
Frankie Salzman


From their hometown of Carmel, IN, Rabbi Frankie fell in love with Judaism from the first moment they stepped on the bimah (stage). After a few years of gaining professional experience in the non-profit sector, they entered the Rabbinate ready to help build and sustain Jewish communities. Rabbi Frankie draws from the vast well of Jewish wisdom, both traditional and contemporary, to lead with compassion and ingenuity. Through their rabbinate, their goal is to cultivate a more loving world by forming meaningful connections one soul at a time.

  • “Is this the world you want to be a Rabbi in?”

    This is the question that the HUC-JIR Admissions Director asked me during a meeting to discuss whether I would be committing to enroll at HUC. I doubt she had planned to ask me this question. However, we met on the morning of October 27, 2018. As we were preparing to have this conversation, our phones lit up with the tragic news of the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA. Without hesitation, I answered, “Yes.” “Good” she replied, “because this is why we need Rabbis like you.”

    Ever since that day, I have been committed to live up to her statement. I said “yes” that morning because one of my first thoughts upon hearing that news was, “What can I do to help?” How could I honor the memories of the lives lost and support a grieving community, tasks which I believe lie at the core of what it is to be a Rabbi? I felt called that morning not to run away, but to face the challenge of doing my part to build a world where compassion drowns out hate.

    To do this requires living out the ideal of b’tzelem Elohim: that each and every person is created in the image of God. It means always seeing one another as the unique, divinely created humans we are. B’tzelem Elohim underscores all the work that I do. I believe that relationships are the foundation of rabbinic work. I will see my Rabbinate as effective when it is rooted in building meaningful connections with those in the community I serve and in being present during moments that matter; both the joyous and the sorrowful. My role is to support, not to judge. I believe each member of the community has something meaningful and unique that only they can bring.

    Our sages underscore this in a discussion of personal prayer in the Talmud. The passage teaches s that many rabbis ended their recitation of the Amidah prayer with a unique personal prayer; no rabbi's personal prayer was the same as another's and each prayer reflected a different mindset. I read this as the rabbis teaching us that we all have a unique prayer that cannot be offered by anyone else and our community is incomplete without each of us adding our unique voices.

    A talmudic passage teaches that many rabbis ended their recitation of the Amidah prayer with a unique personal prayer; no rabbi's personal prayer was the same as another's. I assume this practice was a feature whether the rabbis were praying alone or in the synagogue. I see this passage as a reminder that while we often recite the same prayers, each of us brings our own voice, our own prayers, and our own yearnings into the community. This is the mindset I use when working with a community. Whether through pastoral care, learning, prayer, or celebration, I aim to be a catalyst for each person present to feel seen. In our modern, digital world it is too easy to feel lost in the bustle of daily life. Congregations offer an opportunity for people to find connection and meaning.

    This sense of belonging is what first made me fall in love with Judaism. Like many teens, I pushed back at the idea of having a bar mitzvah. However, I still remember standing on the bimah, staring out at all the supportive faces, and feeling up on the bimah was where I belonged. A few years later on Shavuot, I had the honor of giving the speech on behalf of my confirmation class. Once again, that deep sense of belonging washed over me. Later that evening was the first time I considered becoming a Rabbi when a woman new to the community asked if I had ever considered it. That person turned out to be our new Associate Rabbi and an out lesbian. At the time, I was beginning to accept my queer identity but worried that it would preclude me becoming a Rabbi. Having her as a role model taught me that Jewish communities can and should be affirming spaces.

    Since that night, I have dreamed about becoming a Rabbi. I want to be a role model for the next generation of kids who fear that who they are must hold them back. I desire to be a guide for those seeking understanding, comfort, and purpose on their journey through life. I hope to be a Rabbi who bears witness each day to the holiness that comes from being in community with one another. I want to build the world that I want to live in together with the Jewish people and be a light unto the nations one prayer, one connection, and one community at a time.

  • Rabbinic Intern - Congregation Kol Ami - West Hollywood, CA• 2022-2024

    • Delivered sermons, spiritual intentions) and led engaging Shabbat and Holiday services including Passover, Hanukkah, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, and Purim

    • Built innovative and engaging Introduction to Judaism Online Course

    • Oversaw highly active 20/30s group leading board meetings, creating social and spiritual events, publishing weekly newsletters, and serving as primary staff and pastoral support

    • Offered in-person and remote pastoral care; including being on-call as needed

    • Provided clergy continuity during a senior rabbi transition

    • Assisted in designing meaningful life-cycle experiences; including Brit Milah, B'nai Mitzvah, and Conversions

    • Mentored by accomplished Rabbis; Rabbi Denise Eger and Rabbi Barry Lutz

    • Built relevant and vibrant Adult Education courses on Gender and Judaism and Torah portions

    • Planned and led Family Program including a youth service, lesson, and activity

    • Formed meaningful relationships with congregants from diverse backgrounds

    Student Rabbi - Congregation Havurim • Temecula, CA• 2021-2022

    • Served as the solo religious and spiritual leader for a community of 50 units

    • Planned and led engaging monthly Shabbat, Holiday, and Life-cycle services; including 3 B'nai Mitzvot

    • Designed creative Adult Education classes on Torah, Gender, and Prophets

    • Crafted monthly dynamic Family Programs including a youth service, lesson, and family activity

    • Tutored B'nai Mitzvot students on liturgy and sermon (Dvar Torah) writing

    • Offered personalized spiritual care through home visits and virtual calls

    • Formed meaningful and lasting relationships with congregants through monthly social events

    Student Rabbi - Temple Beth Torah • Ridgecrest, CA• 2020-2021

    • Served as a solo religious and spiritual leader for a community of twenty units

    • Planned engaging monthly virtual worship and other rituals; including virtual Seders and Festivals

    • Designed creative Adult Education classes on Torah and Rabbinic Texts

    • Offered enhanced spiritual care through virtual personal contact with congregants and support during a pandemic

    Chaplain Intern - Ascension Hospital• Indianapolis, IN• 2023

    • Completed 1 unit of Clinical Pastoral Education with clinical hours and group learning

    • Offered engaging and personalized spiritual care to patients' and staff from diverse faith and cultural backgrounds throughout the hospital with a focus on surgical and overflow units

    • Coordinated with families, and patient's medical teams to provide the best possible support

    • Educated spiritual care team on Jewish pastoral care through teachings and guided reflections

  • Elissa Froman Social Justice Fellow - New Israel Fund • Jerusalem, 2019-2020

    • Visited various grantees throughout Israel in each of the funding sectors

    • Participated in trainings on media activism and social justice

    • Gained tools to talk and teach about Israel

    Program Associate, Technology - Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation • Atlanta, GA• 2017-2019

    • Administered Salesforce database, overseeing all data entry and organization

    • Built and connected Form Assembly forms, maintained website for the REALITY program, and constructed email in Marketing cloud content builder

    BOSY (Youth Group) Advisor and 8-12th Grade Teacher - Congregation Beth Shalom • Bloomington, IN• 2013-2015

    • Organized participation in conferences supervising high-schooler-led programs

    • Planned and executed twenty programs for 8th-12th grade students such as lessons, discussions, fundraisers, hands-on volunteering, and social outings

    Residential Advisor - Brandeis Office of High School Programs • Waltham, MA• 2015

    • Created and maintained a healthy living environment for 35 students

    • Planned and led social and educational programs on public speaking, team building, and social justice

    • Created marketing materials, blog posts and photos, for parents and future participants

    Machon Kaplan Intern - Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism • Washington, DC• 2014

    • Lobbied Indiana Congressional delegation on issues of Separation of Church and State

    • Interned at Pride at Work, the AFL-CIO LGBTQ constituency group where I lobbied for anti-bullying legislation and created LGBTQ Employment fact sheets for all 50 states

    Machonik First Year Cabin Counselor - Goldman Union Camp Institute (GUCI) • Zionsville, IN• 2013

    • Worked as a cabin counselor for kids aged 9-12 for two 4-week sessions

    • Wrote and led Jewish educational and social programming as part of a counselor team

  • Rabbinic Ordination and Master of Hebrew Letters - HEBREW UNION COLLEGE - JEWISH INSTITUTE OF RELIGION • Los Angeles, CA• Expected graduation - 2024

    BA in Jewish Studies and Religious Studies - INDIANA UNIVERSITY• Bloomington, IN • Graduated - 2016

Shabbat Sermon: An Epidemic of Loneliness - 2022

Transgender Day of Remembrance Shabbat Sermon - 2023

Shabbat Sermon: Ki Tisa - 2024

Dvar Torah: Miketz - 2024